BEST 7 Good Luck Charms That Work Well (Check NOW)
A study found that lucky charms indeed work.
Some think this is somewhat silly, while others are superstitious about lucky charms. With an irrational belief, they think that there are several certain objects having the ability of changing the future. Believe it or not, wearing or keeping lucky charms by your side will magically influence your attitude and fortune in reality.
If you feel more positive, your confident attitude will attract good fortune into your life and make you luckier. In case you don’t have any, then keep an eye to good luck charms that work in this article.
Let’s find out whether or not you can find an item inspiring you.
Table of Contents
7 Good Luck Charms Attracting Best Fortune

Sometimes just a small object can help you perform everything smoother and better. According to fortune tellers, lucky charms make you feel safe and protected; that gives a boost to the level of your self-confidence.
Are you ready to select your own good luck charm?
These days, there are lots of options to choose from, with each having their own ancient meaning like evil eye bracelets, for example. Before you start your search or purchase, it’s a must to know which items symbolize good fortune and prosperity.
1. The clover
The Celts believed that a four-leaf clover can bring them luck and avoid any source of bad fortune. This is an ancient Irish symbol of luck and actually rare in the reality because only one in 10,000 clovers has four leaves. If you accidentally find one, you will be very lucky.
A clover with four leaves has a mystical power bringing faith, love, hope, and of course luck to you.
Aside from luck, check out magic stones meaning with a click.
2. The wishbone
This symbol is not really popular so not many know about it. However, the wishbone has been considered as one of lucky charms for centuries. If you want to wear a bracelet or necklace with a good luck element without being afraid of others thinking about you as a superstitious person, choose this one.
What exactly is the wishbone? Where does it come from?
From the practice of ancient witchcraft, the wishbone is the chest bone of turkeys and chickens.
3. The dreamcatcher
The next good luck charm I want to talk about is the dreamcatcher, originating from the Native American lore. From the first glance, this item looks like a web decorated prettily with colorful beads and feathers. People say that it can help chase away nightmares as well as remove negative energy from home.
You should hang a dreamcatcher inside the window of your house or office to stay away from any kind of misfortune. No more disturbing dreams, you will have good sleeps and feel happier as well as balanced.
Aside from hanging this lucky charm, you can consider buying a pair of dreamcatcher earrings or a dreamcatcher bracelet for more fashionable.
4. The evil eye
What is the evil eye?
The evil eye is a simple charm that has the power of protecting you from harmful thoughts and intentions. For thousands of years, this item has been used to remove bad luck off your life. If you think you are under a curse, consider wearing jewelry with evil eye. It can not only bring you more luck but also heal your anxiety, worry, negativity and depression.
You can easily make your own evil eye charm by painting a good-shaped stone or making an amulet using clay.
5. The horseshoe
Along with four-leaf clovers, horseshoes are also the most popular lucky charms. There are many legends about this item’s lucky power. One says that the horseshoe is a good luck symbol because it’s originally made from iron; back then the evil force couldn’t bear the power of iron, so they used to ignore houses hanging a horseshoe on the door.
To superstitious people, houses having the horseshoe hanged on are lucky.
Whether or not you believe all the legends about this, horseshoes are still a funny good fortune symbol to know about. Hang it on the front door of your house and make sure the horseshoe faces upwards in a U shape. Conversely, the flow of your luck will run out of your house if you place it upside down.
6. The lucky number 7
As growing up, you may hear many talking about 7 as the luckiest number, but did you know the reason behind? In different cultures throughout history, the number 7 has always been considered as a number of luck, knowledge and perfection. To me, I do believe 7 is a perfect number because:
- A week has 7 days
- The rainbow has 7 colors
- There are 7 planets visible to the naked eye
- 7 is the luckiest number in any game
If you want to make use of this number as your good luck charm, you can make a DIY bracelet or necklace with 7 small beautiful crystals.
Discover the 7 chakra stones with one click away!
7. The lucky animals
There are a number of animals often seen as the lucky charm.
Not only rabbits, but goldfishes are also claimed to attract luck and prosperity by Chinese natives. Moreover, dragons and horses are considered as lucky animals in legends. Guess what? The scarab beetle is often used in jewelry of ancient Egyptians because of its positive symbol.
People in Germany usually gift their family and friends pig tokens in special occasions as pigs are their lucky animal. Due to their long lifespan, tortoises and turtles are the lucky charms in many countries.
For a wide range of choices, check all lucky charms in this video:
In Conclusion
That’s all for good luck charms that work in today’s article.
If you’d like to bring good fortune into your life, these lucky items and elements mentioned above will be a great help. Most importantly, don’t rely too much on good luck charms because its power can’t manifest 100% effectively.
Be smart, be patient, and be persistent and one day your luck will make it way to your life.
Ask us if you have any question about the topic here!
Hello Doctor can you please help me cast a spell to cleanse my Aura and protection ?please so that any negative spirit blocking my way to success can leave me alone please
Hi dear,
When one is spiritually healthy the subtle body is strong and free from negative influences.
When one commits a sin (negative karma, “falling down”) it weakens one’s immunity and various subtle parasites have an open way to use one as their host. The person is also vulnerable to curses and other bad karma results.
General rules:
– Keep clean.
– Don’t wear black colored clothes and shoes.
– Don’t wear clothes and shoes belonging to others.
– Be careful on the new moon day. Drive carefully.
– Women shouldn’t go out late at night when menstruating since they’re more vulnerable to ghost attacks.
– Don’t eat at least two hours before going to sleep.
– Bathe or shower in salty water, best in the sea, or using salt or lemon instead of soap.
– After washing before going to sleep dry your hands and feet well.
I need some help please. A black witch has decided to make me the subject of some negative spells and I believe she has gone as far as to try to bind me. I keep a protective shield up all the time but this is really stating to get to me. What can I do to protect myself and maybe reverse any spells already cast against me? Please any assistance you can offer will be greatly appreciated because I have no one else to turn to. I am a solitary witch. Please help me if you can.
Hi Rhonda,
Spells have to be energized to keep them going.
Your fear and concern and belief does just that.
Connect with the light from the source and bring it around you and nothing will penetrate it.
Darkness can’t survive in the light.
Fill your mind with only positive thoughts!
I need a protection and any lucky spell for my Nephew. He going thru a rough time now. What should he wear to give keep is bad energy away.
Hi Kat,
The best way to ward off negative energy is to arm yourself with right behavior. By learning to behave, something some religious people call ‘holy fear of God’ or something similar, you build a protective wall around your consciousness for starters, and even around your physical body, that protects you against malevolence.
One simple thing to protect you against negative energies is to place your thoughts and awareness at the spiritual eye, the point between the eyebrows. Don’t get all cross eyed about it. Just be aware of that point by kind of pretending you’re viewing the world through a single eye at the point between the eyebrows instead of your two physical eyes. Whenever you feel a sense of foreboding or fear, just rest your mind and energy at that point and it connects you with Spirit in the simplest and most effective way.