What Does the Evil Eye Mean (History and Color Meanings)
We all know the evil eye, also known as, the traditional blue Turkish eye, is often used for self-protection. So, what does the evil eye mean exactly? Many use it as an amulet which can bless and protect yourself as well as your surrounding from curses. Moreover, wearing the evil eye bracelet every day can […]
Learn MoreHow to Make Someone Shut up? (With 5 Very Useful Spells)
Need to shut someone up? You know what? This is the right place! In today’s article, I’m going to come up with some spells of how to make someone shut up. If there is someone annoying you, try these and they will stay quiet around you. These spells are perfect for getting those who won’t […]
Learn MoreIs Witchcraft Real (Essential Things You Need To Know)
Witchcraft indicates the practice of magical skills and abilities. In the history, this term is very popular in many countries’ culture including Africa, Asia, South America, and other indigenous communities. It’s not surprising when there are many myths and misconceptions revolving around the witchery. According to some witches, witchcraft has always been misconceived as an […]
Learn MoreWhat are Crystals Used for Your Body, Mind, and Soul?
The spiritual and energetic power of crystals is often used to strengthen one’s mental, physical, and emotional health in crystal healing. What are crystals used for? We’ll look at the basics of crystals and their benefits in this article. For centuries, beautiful formations like crystals, minerals, rocks, and gemstones have been commonly used to improve […]
Learn MoreWhat is a Waning Moon (A Glimpse at Its Energy & Ritual)
You seem to unfamiliar with the waning moon, right? When it comes to spell casting, people usually focus on the full moon and new moon because they are considered as good times to them. However, moon phases are more than just those two. There are some spells working with waning moon, so let’s not waste […]
Learn MoreTop 7 Magic Stones for Love Attraction (Discover NOW)
Looking for stones for love attraction? People often say that diamonds are girls’ best friend. How about crystals? They are the destiny of women. In witchcraft, crystals are the lucky charm that can bring good fortune in different aspects to one like how it is called. There are some magic stones for love attraction believed […]
Learn MoreBurning Candles Meaning and 4 Benefits (Learn NOW)
What is the burning candles meaning? Since the ancient time, candles have always been used for magical purposes. During a ritual, the practitioner tends to light up candles for protection and empowerment. To be more specific, each color serves its purpose. Depending on your intention, you will pick the corresponding color. In today’s article, let’s […]
Learn MoreDo Evil Eye Bracelets Work: Things to Know about It
Have you heard about evil eye before? Well, according to modern witches, the evil eye is a curse cast by a malevolent stare, which is usually done to people at their unaware moments. Legends say that a person who receives the evil eye will encounter misfortune or injury most of the time. In order to […]
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