Spell to Keep Someone away from Someone Else (3 Great Picks)
You are seeking a spell to keep someone away from someone else, right?
In this case, a banishing or binding spell would work well. While the banishing spell can get your target to leave, the binding spell can stop them from causing trouble or bothering you. In my experience, they are easy to cast but make sure you have basic knowledge about witchcraft.
In this article, I’m going to inform you of banishing spells.
The purpose of banishing in witchcraft is to remove negative, toxic energies from a certain person, a specific place, or a particular thing. Thus, banishing spells are commonly used to protect one from being disturbed by people they don’t like or sinister forces in general.
Read more about banishing spells here!
Table of Contents
What is Spell to Keep Someone Away?

More exactly, what is banishing spell?
As I said earlier, banishing spells are crafted with the aim of avoiding unwanted energy, entity, person, as well as situation that makes you feel anxious. In case you sense someone or something that seems harmful to your presence, this kind of spell is a great option.
Modern witches usually perform rituals with this spell to clear a space haunted by unwanted entities such as ghosts or other spirits. In addition, it can help a person free from misfortune, obsession, sickness, black magic as well as negativity.
Overall, you can use the banish spell on any object to free it from harmful energy.
In witchcraft, it’s believed that a certain object can retain a string of connection to its owner. If you use an item for many years, your energy may have got attached to it. Therefore, before you want to recharge your item with new energy, please do a cleansing ritual to eliminate the old one.
In case you perform a banish spell to remove an unwanted spirit or entity from a person, it’s called the exorcism.
Whether you wish for ultimate love, prosperity, or a peace of mind to happen, casting banishing spells is the initial step you need to consider before any magical work. It may sound complicated, but the actual process is simple to do.
For individuals who want to become a witch, banishing is a basic skill that you must cultivate from the beginning.
How to Cast a Spell to Keep Someone Away?

Keep in mind that the core purpose of this spell is to cleanse a space surrounding you that involves pushing anything or anyone you don’t want to see away from you and preventing it from making a comeback.
So, what is the best way to cast a spell to keep someone away from someone else?
As I told you, this banishing step can be perform simply like any other spells if you follow specific instructions and spell casting basics. Beside, it will manifest the power at the extreme if you do the ritual on the waning moon or new moon.
You can consider casting banishing spells on Saturday because that day is good to remove negative energies and set a new intention.
As time passes, your target representing the negativity in your life will be buried and banished forever. You can choose to bury a magic stone (crystal), burn a piece of paper, or use running water in a ritual because these objects can symbolically absorb the negative energy and send it away.
The banishing session will send out your desire and intention to the universe; wait patiently for the spell to manifest its magic in the real world.
Please note
Only cast a banishing spell when your mind is truly calm and balanced. If your emotional state is unsteady like angry or upset, then please stop the session. Otherwise, the power of magic will draw only negative energy and bring harmful side effects. This means you unintentionally cast a curse or a hex on you.
That’s why you should never ignore cautions when planning to cast spells.
The best idea for your situation is to look for assistance and advice from a professional spells caster online.
According to the Law of Threefold in witchcraft, both the energy and intention you put into the universe will return to you threefold. Thus, you need to be careful with your purpose and take full responsibility for all unintended consequences. For your safety, I highly suggest you speaking to a spell advisor at Kasamba today.
Some materials for banishing spells
If you want to do a ritual with this kind of spell, please consider these following herbs, crystals, and incense. Prepare the right ingredients will give your spell more power and influence…so, let’s take a look:
Herbs |
Minerals |
Incense |
Angelica | Black Salt | White sage |
Anise | Bloodstone | Copal |
Bay Laurel | Jet | Frankincense |
Black Cohosh | Smoky quartz | Dragon’s Blood |
Devil’s Claw | Tourmaline | Pine Incense and oil |
Garlic | ||
Heliotrope | ||
Nettle | ||
Rosemary | ||
Stinging Nettle | ||
Thyme | ||
Pine |
3 Common Spells to Keep Someone Away from You

You will find some common banishing spells below for your magical practice. Be cautious if you really want to try these, or you can ask an experienced witch to help you.
1. A banishing spell with your visualization
No ingredient required, this spell instead makes use of your imagination. You can cast a ritual with it to remove toxic emotions, anxiety, or some bad habits from your daily life.
Here are steps to do:
- Prepare a sacred place and cleanse yourself
- Close your eyes and think of a blazing white fire in your mind
- Visualize the thing or person you want to eliminate from your life
- Focus your energy on that thought once the image of that object or person displays
- Now imagine that vision is a photograph
- Visualize you holding the photo and tearing it with your hands
- Burn that picture completely with the white fire
- Concentrate on the spiritual flame until it turns back into the pure white light
You can repeat this process 3 times per day and keep doing it every day until you feel the negative emotions from within is really gone.
2. A Wiccan banishing spell
The burning method is used commonly when modern witches cast banishing spells. They believe the fire element can clear away unwanted energies as well as entities, and here is a banishing spell with Wiccan magic.
Ingredients: a piece of paper, a pen, a black candle, a cauldron or fireproof pot, and a wand
How to cast?
- Cast your ritual circle by invoking four elements
- Light the candle and chant: “Dear my Goddess, please help me cast away this negativity which is eating my life.”
- Write your wish on the paper
- Draw the pentagram onto the paper using your wand
- Burn the paper with the black candle and drop it in the cauldron
- Say this sentence: “I will never allow negativity to control my will.”
- Visualize the negative force disappearing from your life spiritually and physically
- Calm your mind and express your gratefulness to the Goddess
- Open the circle and let the candle burn out entirely to seal the spell
When the ritual is coming to the end, please bury the ashes somewhere far away from your house.
3. A banishing spell with folk magic
Also known as the Four Thieves Vinegar spell, you can try this folk magic recipe to remove evil spirits and negativity from your life forever. In this article, I’m going to tell you steps to make the Four Thieves potion.
Ingredients: lavender, mint, sage, garlic, thyme, apple cider vinegar, and a glass jar
How to do?
- Put all the herbs into your glass jar
- Pour apple cider vinegar into the jar to bury the herbs
- Cover it tightly with the lid
- Shake the mixture gently once per day for 1-2 months
Whenever you know the unwanted person coming to visit you, simply pray the potion on your doorsteps or around the house to ward them off. You can do it as a part of your regular housekeeping to remove evil spirits and negativity as well around you.
In conclusion, don’t ignore the spell to keep someone away from someone else if you are in need of something powerful and can help you cleanse all the toxic things from your life.
These banishing spells, though simple to cast, must be performed with great caution and care. Only a professional is able to summon powerful energy without bringing any harm to you. so please consider contacting an advisor from Kasamba.
Leave your comment to tell us your problems and experiences with these spells.
I need help to help with a spell to be done on a girl ive liked and loved for a long time now and to bring her in to my arms and to love me and fall hopelessly in love with me and wants to have a relaionship with me forever more and for our family and friends to except us as a couple and to get rid of a love revial out of our lives and to to us togeter forever can you help with casting this spell
Hi Mark,
If you want to have a love spell cast, please contact our Kasamba spellcasters online for professional help. Unfortunately we don’t offer the service on this site, so hope you understand.
I need a spell to remove an abusive husband from my life. We have filed for divorce and he is still trying to stay married and control my life and control me. It is unhealthy and I just want to move back home to be with my family and have peace in my life. I wonder if there is a way to get him to let go and leave me alone?
Hi Melinda,
Start doing crazy things.
1. Cook a pot of rice for him, then strain the water in an old panty. Make sure he sees you. When he ask you what you are doing, tell him you are making sure everything is PERFECT. and that you read it online somewhere.
Putting all jokes aside no one but God can help you detach yourself from a demon. I believe in prayer very much. However prayer requires a plan. Most people don’t pray with a plan.
5x a day to affirm a prayer of realized outcome.
“My husband is now gone.
His departure was and still is peaceful and miraculous.
I feel happy and free of him.
Every tie and connection between us is now dissolved.”
Allow your self to get into the feeling state of those statements as you repeat them, as many as 20x each. Every day 5x a.day.for no less then 5–10 minutes. Give it 30 days without looking for any change and without complaining or fighting with him. Withdraw your energy from him as much as you can, ignore him.
As you pull your energy back, the shift will happen. Miracles will happen. He may get another job somewhere far that requires him to move. Someone may reach out to you who can assist you.
These types of situations are always very complicated and even professionals in the matter aren’t always able to give much beyond moral support or your legal rights.
I need help with making my ex leave me a lone and stop coming to my house i dont want him anymore and he just doesnt get it
Hi Shay,
Go no contact. Block his number in you smartphone and block him from all social media. Don’t answer his texts. People harass others because they get a response from the harassed. Don’t give your ex the chance.
Do all of the above with his friends, mutual friends, and his family.
Discard any items he has given you, and I mean everything, including cards, gifts and any photos you have of them. Make your home an Ex Free Zone. Fill your days with keeping yourself physically and mentally busy. Play loud music, sing, dance, and have fun.
If all of this doesn’t work, see a therapist who can help erase the bad memories.
Hi. I need to get a woman away from my husband. What can I do for that?
Hi dear,
In the simplest possible terms: G o after your husband. Up your game with him, let him know that he’s desirable to you. Flirt with him, romance him, care for him.
He makes a choice to be married to you one day at a time, as do you. You choose to be with each other or part ways every morning.
That other woman sees what you see in your husband.
There will always be someone who would be interested in a good man or woman. It’s a good reminder that he is desirable.You should both be sending that message to each other every day, but sometimes marriage becomes a habit and sometimes the reality of life overwhelms the fantasy that fuels lust.
Jealousy tells him you don’t trust him and want to control him, that you will try to keep him in a cage. Male or female, there is more temptation to climb over the fence if the gate is closed.
Be the reason he’s not interested in any other woman.